Friday, October 9, 2015

Will You Write Music for Me?

Will you write music for me,
Will you write music for me, she said.
Music to mourn me by, mourn me by
As if I were long gone and dead.

Will you cry for me at all, she asked.
Will you cry for me, she inquired.
When I'm finally gone and you're all alone,
Will you cry until your eyes are tired?

Will you remember me with fondness?
Will you remember my smiling face?
Will you remember my laughter and scold yourself
for banishing me from this place?

Or will you instead praise yourself,
Praise yourself indeed.
And consider yourself lucky and thankful
That you are finally rid of me?

Or am I correct in thinking that
You will cry alone in your empty bed?
And will you write music for me,
Will you write music for me, she said.


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