Friday, October 9, 2015

Do the Write Thing

How do you know if something is truly right? What if it's right only because you want it to be right, and not because it truly is. And if you're questioning "Is this right?" so often, does that, in itself, prove that it's not right? After all, if it was so right, you wouldn't have to wonder about it all the time. But what if you're questioning it because it is right and it's just scary to you to have it be right, and not because it's not right and that's the problem. I mean, it's possible that being right is just as scary as being wrong. Sometimes getting what you want is more than you expected it to be and that is frightening. So how do you know if something is right? Do you ever really know? Or do you wake up 20 years from now thinking, "I should've listened to myself when I was 30. I knew this wasn't right but ignored it because I wanted it to be right." Or do you wake up 20 years from now and think, "This was the most right thing I've ever had." Or do you just type endlessly on Diaryland, pouring your questioning of right and wrong onto the screen, hoping that when you read your words in print before your very eyes you'll finally have the answer you seek?


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