Friday, October 9, 2015

The Cutting of Poesie Millay

angry red slashes across lily white skin
she once promised her mother she'd never do it again
but what good are words when the heart is in pain
angry red slashes and the blood spills again

her face a matted mess covered in snot and tears
her wails echo in the bathroom but nobody is around to hear
the linolieum tiles are smeared in blood red
and she can't clear out the voices that keep ringing in her head

she dials his cell phone to ask for his help
but he doesn't answer so she relies on herself
which is a mistake indeed for as the phone drops
she picks up the knife... she can't make herself stop

he finds her on the staircase covered in tears and blood
and drags her to the kitchen to find out what she's done
as he rinses her off his voice rises with fear
"Is this it, is this all, are there any more cuts here?"

and they sink to the floor seated side by side
her head hung in shame while his panic attack subsides
both of them in tears and hearts filled with pain
as they vow to each other
never again


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