Friday, October 9, 2015

The Night Before

Do you ever feel like your life is the day after a party that everyone went to but you? And they're all standing around talking about it with laughter and sentences that start with "Remember when..." while you stand there smiling and nodding as if you know what they're talking about because you'd feel much lamer if you just stood in the corner alone? And they aren't talking about it so much to tell you about it but more to remember it and bond about the experience they shared there? So you stand there, drinking in their words and imitations of everything that transpired the night before without you because you want to belong to them, this group, this moment. But you can't ever really belong because it's a part of something that has already happened and they're togetherness isn't a new event but rather an extension of the night before, a continuation of the things they have already shared, of things they are sharing. Haven't you ever felt that way?

Or is that just me?


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