Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I used to write.  All the time.  In high school and the years following, it was on paper.  Sometimes in fun ink colors like pink or aqua.  And then I got a computer and started typing.  One day I learned about blogs (though I think we called them "live journals" then?).  Over the years I've had various journals/blogs but somewhere along the way I started writing less and less.  Which is sad really, as I have always loved writing.  There has never really been anything preventing me from writing though - except myself.  But even then, it's not like I was telling myself NOT to write.

I just...didn't.

It's not that the thoughts aren't there, it's just that for some reason I stopped writing them down.  I stopped the clickety-clack of typing them online.

I don't know why.

But I miss it.

I miss writing.

I miss a lot of things about myself though.

I miss me.

That's who I'm looking for.


You are everything I wanted.
And everything I feared.

(Apparently I had drafted this in April 2016 but never published it.  I wonder why.)


(first draft)

At night when I close my eyes to sleep
demons I thought were long ago buried deep
rise to the surface and cause me fright –
and I awake with shovel in hand at the morning light.

At night when I lay me down and close my eyes to sleep,
demons arise that I thought were long ago buried deep.
They haunt me
and taunt me
and cause me such fright!
Then I awake at the ready, shovel in hand, at the dawn’s early light.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Kick the Habit

I haven't done drugs before
-- so I don't know what addiction
or withdrawal feel like --
but I imagine it feels something like you.



I fell in love
but you didn't.
You fell off the pedestal
and my heart splintered.


Ready, Set, Go

I knew right from the start
that you would never fall in love with me
and I tried to tell that to my heart
but it told me to shush and just let it be


Friday, March 11, 2016

"Play it again, Sam"

Every song on the radio today
Breaks my heart as it sings your name
And I try so hard to push you away
But you sneak back in hidden ways


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bon Appetit

My verses may feed your ego
with every heartbroken line
but these words are not for your consumption -
they are for my heart to heal
with time
